Growing Disciples, Building Ministries, Transforming Lives and Making a Difference
Greetings to all:
Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. – 1 Corinthians 1:3
Welcome to St. John’s United Holy Church of America, Inc. We are a loving Pentecostal congregation that gathers to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy fellowship and unity. We believe and know through the reading of the Holy Bible that God is our Father, that He sent His Son, Jesus, to redeem us from sin, and that the Holy Spirit dwells within us.
St. John’s, having been established in 1915, is an integral part of the Church Hill community here in Richmond, Virginia. We are happy to have been named to Virginia’s historic landmarks registry.
We stand true to our motto: “Growing Disciples, Building Ministries, Transforming Lives, and Making a Difference.”
We are dedicated to growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we continue to build and enhance ministries within our church that will be beneficial both internally and in the surrounding community. In so doing, we are better equipped to transform lives with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and we can certainly make a difference.
Our multi-generational congregation blends together well to meet the needs of the whole person. Founded on faith in Jesus and the love of God, we stand with open arms to welcome all who enter. We realize that everyone is at a different place in life, but every person is reaching forward to attain higher goals.
Growing Disciples, Building Ministries, Transforming Lives and Making a Difference
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