Growing Disciples, Building Ministries, Transforming Lives and Making a Difference
Discipleship is the process of helping someone become Christlike in every aspect of life.
Just as a baby is born, it must be nourished and cared for to ensure strong, healthy growth; so does the Christian convert. Jesus sought persons (disciples) who would surrender their old way of life, commit to following his teachings, and then witness to others.
2 Peter 3:18 reminds us that it is more than accepting Christ into the heart, one must “grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” This growth is necessary for the development of dedicated and committed followers of Christ who will persevere against the distractions, trials, and temptations of this world.
Growing disciples is probably the most valuable aspect of the growth of the church. We have been commanded by our Savior to go, teach, and make disciples. Realizing that growing disciples is a process, we continue to make every effort to maintain healthy relationships, encourage all to be constant in the Word and prayer, and share what is learned with others.
We provide weekly Bible Church School where Bible-based lessons are taught, discussed, and applied to our daily life; mid-week Prayer Meeting and Bible Study affords another opportunity to delve into the Word, share testimonies of God’s blessings
Growing Disciples, Building Ministries, Transforming Lives and Making a Difference
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