St. John's Story
From the wooden frame building and the ‘potbelly stove ‘to the present structure and surrounding property, God has guided, provided, protected, and sustained us.
- Early Years: 1915-1959
- Middle Years: 1960-1983
- Current: 1983 to Present
In early 1915 Rev. William Fountain, his wife Nannie, and a handful of others gathered on the corner of 29th and M Street in the Churchill area of Richmond, Virginia and began a street mission – praying, preaching, singing, and testifying to the multitudes as they passed by.
Later that year after others had joined, a piece of land was purchased on the site the church stands today and a small frame building was erected. On the fourth Sunday in August 1915, that small group of saints marched into their new, yet incomplete, church building – the first “holiness” church in Richmond built from the ground up.
In 1919 Elder Joseph Silver of Enfield, North Carolina came in to pastor the flock after a dispute over women being called to the ministry caused some to leave the congregation and form another church under the leadership of former member, Sadie Yancy. William Clements had joined the congregation in its early street mission years, and was now a deacon. During Elder Silver’s pastorate he was called into the ministry, and in 1921 he became the church’s third pastor.
Under the leadership of Elder Clements, who would later be ordained as a bishop in the United Holy Church of America, many souls became part of the congregation and the church grew spiritually and financially as well. In 1931, in the midst of the Great Depression, the members decided that a new larger building was needed and began a major fundraising effort. In 1932 they moved into the basement of their new building, and later in 1934 they moved to the top and held their first services in the new sanctuary -the present day edifice.
During this time many organizations such as the Young People’s Holy Association, Bible Church School, Senior Choir, and the Senior Missionary Circle were organized. Bishop Clements would continue to serve as pastor until his death on November 17, 1959, making him the church’s longest serving pastor.
Following the death of Bishop clements, Reverend James Percy Jackson, Sr. was appointed pastor in September of 1960. Under his leadership the church purchased two pianos as well as its first organ, the basement was repaired, the sanctuary carpeted, and new auxiliaries such as the Mother’s Board were organized.
In 1965 Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr. of Raleigh, North Carolina accepted the pastorate. A young, dynamic, Spirit-filled, gifted preacher and administrator, under his leadership the church’s membership increased and its finances improved. His wife, Bettye, a talented and professional musician, served as church organist and choir director. The church opened a day-care center, began holding vacation bible school in the summer, and stretched out to serve the surrounding community.
November, 1974 another young preacher, Reverend Tyler C. Millner of Martinsville, Virginia, was installed as pastor. He revamped the church’s financial system and serious planning, and an aggressive fund raising campaign to enlarge the church building began.
After Reverend Millner’s resignation in 1979, the lay ministry of the church under the leadership of the deacon board chairperson, Deacon William H. Howes led the church. During this time our pulpit was filled by “supply ministers” including Elder Joseph Richardson, and Elder Clayton Powell.
In June 1983, an invitation was extended to Bishop Albert Augson, Sr. of Norfolk, Virginia to serve as the seventh pastor of St. John’s United Holy Church. Under Bishop Augson’s leadership the most recent building program was completed and the church mortgage liquidated. The Central District Fellowship was organized, and abandoned houses surrounding the church were purchased and demolished, and the cleared land was used to expand the church parking lot. After 27 years if faithful leadership Bishop Augson retired from the pastorate on December 31, 2010.
Upon Bishop Augson’s retirement Dr. Mary H. Young began serving as interim minister and in March 2012 the church voted and extended an invitation to Dr. Young to serve as its eighth pastor. She was installed Sunday, August 4th that same year. Under her dynamic preaching and teaching the church was raised to an even level. The vision and mission were rewritten, and the website modernized.
In 2018, Dr. Young was given an opportunity to teach in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and resigned as pastor to serve there. Elder Viola Williams, a member of the ministerial staff began serving in the interim, and in 2019 the church elected to have her serve as its ninth pastor.
For over 100 years, God has blessed his people at St. John’s United Holy Church to pray for, preach to and serve his people everywhere.
Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
– Ephesians 3:20-21

Pastoral Leadership
We stand on the shoulders of many spiritual giants who fasted, prayed, and sacrificed so that each generation could flourish in the grace and work of God.

Let the words of my mouth,
And the meditation of my heart,
Be acceptable in Thy sight,
O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14
Elder Viola D. Williams
2019 to Present
Elder Viola D. Williams is a native of Kinston, North Carolina. A preacher’s kid, she was raised in Burning Bush United Holy Church under the pastorate of the late Elder Norman Johnson, Sr.
She studied at Agapé Bible College and Evans-Smith Institute for Church Leadership.
In the Virginia District of the United Holy Church of America, Inc., she served as a member of St. Paul’s Tabernacle UHC under the leadership of Dr. Effie M. Jones and later, St. John’s UHC under Bishop Albert Augson and Rev. Dr. Mary H. Young. She continues as Recording Secretary of the Central Sub-District Fellowship, and in the Virginia District Convocation, she served over twenty years as Assistant Recording Secretary and Recording Secretary.
However, in her words, all of this is secondary. What’s really important to her is that she loves the Lord with all her heart. She has heard the call of God concerning this venture and is determined to follow wherever it takes her. She says that without doubt, as we move forward in the Lord, we are being prepared for eternal peace with God.
Elder Williams is one who delights in praying. She finds joy in lending her faith in prayer for those who are sick and hurting and for those who have not yet received Jesus Christ as Savior. She is a worshipper, she enjoys singing and praising the Lord, and she is an unrelenting believer in the Word of God.
She is married to Deacon John T. Williams, USMC (Ret.). Vanessa, Walter, Stephen and Carrie call her Mom. Walter has brought her a precious daughter-in-love, Sojourner, and her dear son-in-love, André, is married to Vanessa. She loves her eight grandchildren and six great grands.
Forward by Faith!!