Growing Disciples, Building Ministries, Transforming Lives and Making a Difference
Lenten Study: God Sees and Sets Free
Character Text: Genesis 16; Genesis 21:8-21
Other readings: Psalm 121; II Corinthians 4:16-5:7; Luke 13:10-17
To be seen by God amid all of the pain, hurt, and suffering of life is a gift almost
unimaginable. God, the Creator of the universe, sees you and cares about what
happens to you. With that seeing and care, God is always moving toward justice,
liberation, and blessing, even when we cannot comprehend it. This movement,
however, is not always a straight line or a swift path. In Hagar’s story, we see
ourselves and our world in all of the interconnectedness and complexity that come
with the challenges of being different together. We are bidden to ask, “how do we
treat those who come from different places, live different lives, have different
stories?” We are compelled to see and name injustice and our complicity and place
in it, and we hear a voice of all who suffer at the hands of others. Through all of
this, we discover the God who both sees and sets free at the crossroads of history
and hope.